makery (may-ker-E) noun
- a place to make things, create, to learn, to commence happy making

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Baker's Dozen Party Packs are Here

Thank you for all of those who were able to come to the taping of WMUR's NH Chronicle a few weeks ago. It was exciting day and the cameraman and producer were so sincere. It was wonderful. I haven't seen my studio that clean or been so at ease in a while. We rented a beautiful space at Colony Mill in downtown Keene, NH. I can't wait to share more about it next week. It's set to air the first week of March, but I haven't official details yet. Coming soon!

In the midst of 3 snow days and a small cold I am excited to announce that...

The Baker's Dozen Party Packs I've been talking about. Now you can purchase a box full of Makery Kit goodness for a crowd. Everything you need, supplies, materials, fully illustrated recipe instructions, and surprise bonus goodies are ready to go to host a craft party of your own. You can even download invitations! These are LIMITED EDITIONS and won't be offered again, so get them while you can.

This is a great way to dabble in a craft and hang out with friends without a lot of expense or commitment long term.

Don't forget to sign up for the newsletter so you can be one of the first to know about upcoming events and product releases. There are also some pretty sweet discounts and printables available only through the newsletter too.

(HINT we will be having a serious Spring Cleaning SALE coming in March!)