makery (may-ker-E) noun
- a place to make things, create, to learn, to commence happy making

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Wonder No More!

In case you've been dying to know what I've been up to over here… wonder no more!

1. I broke my camera & promptly bought a new one to replace it. Good ol' Nikon.
2. The studio is slowly being cleaned up.
3. The shop has SOLD OUT of a few things! Wow! Thank you!
4. There will be many new items posted soon. 
        (Or at least as soon as I get the new camera figured out and some sunny days to shoot in)
5. Lots of thoughts and prayers for those who are dealing with serious flooding from this weeks rain.

At this time we do not have any public crafting events scheduled. Don't worry, you'll be the first to know if we do host one locally! However you can always host a party of your own with one of our Baker's Dozen Party Packs in the meantime.